I have been a member of Professional Photographers of America (PPA) for 15 years. Before that, I was an aspiring photographer member and attended some of their conventions. The association has been a very big part of my professional career: highly educational classes and conventions, valuable business structure assets, and both equipment and liability insurance. I highly recommend PPA to any photographer either starting out our a veteran. I’ve alway wondered about my place in PPA, as it seemed to not have many architectural photographers as it’s members. That is why having my image on the March cover is so important to me.
It is my most prized accomplishment in my career to date. Putting one of the few architectural images on the cover places the niche firmly in the association. Ruthie Porterfield, the client hired me to photography this newly built home in Tanglewood, Houston. I won’t go into the technical details here, they are featured in the editorial about the cover. There are times when I see an image through the lens, and I know it could be special. Those moments are crucial. It’s a signal to get out of the car, set up the extra equipment, and make the extra effort to create what could be the most important image of your career.