“Ok, this year not only am I going to see the Perseid Meteor shower, I’m going to PHOTOGRAPH IT!”
Well, not so much. I did however get a chance to practice some light painting and star photography. I’ve noticed a few things;
– Brookshire, TX may not be far enough from Houston light pollution to get the darkest sky
– Batteries on digital SLR’s will usually run out on bulb setting before you have an opportunity to get the ‘Star Trails’ such as THIS (I suppose it is time to invest into a motor drive)
– In star gazing, it is more useful to bring a BLANKET rather than a chair.
Anyway, I did manage to come up with this neat shot that I will add to my “Light Ways of Illustrica” series. Special thanks to Travis for firing the “Laser”
Also had fun pointing out constellations and chatting with friends – not a complete loss!